Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Take It To The Next Level With The NERF Zombie Strike Dreadbolt

NERF Zombie Strike DreadBolt Blaster
NERF Zombie Strike DreadBolt Blaster
Fall of 2017 will see the much anticipated release of the NERF Zombie Strike Dreadbolt - one of the most exciting cross bow style NERF products to hit the shelves in years.

The NERF Zombie Strike Dreadbolt id perfect for those who want the most fun and performance from their NERF products. A high performance unit that takes NERF to a whole new level the Dreadbolt features crowd pleasing features such as an integrated sighting system and an ergonomic shoulder stock for extra comfort and stability for those who want to hit the target first time, every time.

For NERF fighters who want to make sure that they have enough ammo on board to hit the target first time every time the ability of the Dreadbolt to carry four arrows at the same time will be welcomed.

The Dreadbolt also features the extremely reliable loading mechanism consisting of a heavy duty elastic band allowing the NERF player to load a single arrow from the on board storage. The four arrows available mean non stop fun for even the most demanding of NERF users.

The announcement of the release of the Deadbolt was made in early 2017 and fall buyers should have access to the unit at toy stores and other retailers within a very short time.

NERF has become renowned for developing and producing some of the best loved toys in the word and the crossbow type units are firm favorites with consumers across the globe.

This is a toy that is bound to fly of the shelves and those wishing to get their hands on one would be well advised to keep their eyes firmly on the shelves so that they avoid disappointment when they want to satisfy their craving for NERF fun.

What Are the Features?

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